Saturday, December 8, 2012

Helpful information for student who want to study in italy

MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research)

miur"Study in Italy" is a valuable information tool for students wishing to attend higher education (H.Ed.) programmes in Italy, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
This national website provides the following information: types of H.Ed. institutions (university and non-university sector), admission procedures, study programmes, university degrees, non-university H.Ed. qualifications (academic diplomas), tution language, student life and welfare services, country information, etc.
Links to other websites are also given, where even more detailed information on specific topics of individual interest is available.
The website "Study in Italy" is a MIUR project, jointly carried out by the CIMEA of the Fondazione Rui and CINECA.

Why Italy?

Italy has played an important role in European higher education: it is one of the four countries that first engaged to create the so-called "European Area of Higher Education" (Sorbonne Declaration, May 1998), thus starting that type of higher education reform which, known as "Bologna Process" (Bologna Declaration, June 1999) is being implemented all over Europe.
Today Italy ranks among the 8 most industrialised countries in the world. Alongside some big companies, both state-owned and private, it has developed a sound network of small and medium-sized undertakings, promoted a few scientific parks, and is incentivating basic and applied research in a great variety of fields (biology, ICT, medicine, physics, etc.).

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